EasyScript/ComputerScript take a unique approach in abbreviating words by assigning them to five categories and creating one basic rule for each category. As a result, abbreviating words of any given vocabulary can be reduced to five rules equal to the number of categories and the learning curve is significantly reduced. This represents a considerable advantage over any system which assigns a unique abbreviation for each word because larger vocabularies will require adding more rules and abbreviations. Since all existing systems have a limited number of abbreviating rules they cover only a limited number of words it forces creation of user-made abbreviations. The number of EasyScript/ComputerScript categories remains unchanged regardless of the size of the vocabulary and this provision enables users to abbreviate any word of English vocabulary and will eliminate "user made" abbreviations.
ATTEMPTED CARJACK AND ROBBERY. An unknown subject reportedly attempted a carjacking in the 2900 block of Sepulveda Boulevard Nov. 29 at 10:35 a.m. The victim parked her car and while outside of her vehicle she was grabbed from behind. The subject demanded her car keys. She threw her purse on the other side of the car and her keys toward the back of her vehicle. She started to punch and kick the subject. He backhanded her to the face and shook her until her cell phone fell out of her pocket. A second subject drove up in a vehicle and ran over the phone. The first subject got in the car and the two drove off. The victim said no one in the area at the time would help her.
Click to See Text Abbreviated in EasyScript/ComputerScript
ATTD C/JA D ROBY. An ukno sjec rpory attd a c/jag n h 2900 bl o Sepu blvd 11/29 at 10:35am. H vm pard hr cr d wh o/si o hr ve se ws grad fm bh. H sjec dmadd hr cr ks. Se tw hr pu on h othr si o h cr d hr ks td h bc o hr ve. Se stad t pn d kk h sjec. He b/had hr t h fc d su hr ut hr cl ph fl ot o hr pk. A 2nd sjec dv up n a ve d rn ov h ph. H 1st sjec gt n h cr d h tu dv of. H vm sa no oe n h aa at h tm wo hl hr.
An ukn sjc rpy atd a c/j n h 2900 bl o Sepu bvd 11/29 at 10:35a. H vm prd hr cr d wh o/s o hr ve se ws grd fm bh. H sjc dmd hr cr ks.* Se tw hr pu on h otr si o h cr d hr ks td h bc o hr ve. Se std t pn d kk h sjc. He b/h hr t h fc d su hr ut hr cl ph fl ot o hr pk. A 2n sjc dv up n a ve d rn ov h ph. H 1s sjc gt n h cr d h tu dv of. H vm sa n/e n h aa at h tm wo hl hr.
*Punctuation, syntax, and plural endings are added when text is transcribed.